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Is your woodland a home for hedgehogs?

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Alan Reid is our Nature Recovery Advisor in the West Midlands. Here he explores why woodlands are such excellent habitats for these enigmatic creatures, and how woodland owners and managers might help them.

I have little doubt that I have been fortunate in life. Surely anyone who gets to spend their life working outside with nature is blessed? I have been privileged to spend time in the company of otters, dormice, adders, fritillaries, goshawks, and so the list goes on.

One species, however, is too often overlooked and not often seen in the depths of our woodlands: the humble hedgehog, Mrs. Tiggywinkle (sorry, and thankfully, I am too old for Sonic!).

Hedgehog on grass. Photo by Andy Willis on Unsplash.

When I was a kid, hedgehogs were everywhere. I well remember my mum constantly telling me not to pick them up as they were “covered in fleas, and they’ll get in your hair”! A mature adult can have 5,000 or so spines for these critters to hide in.

I also remember the first time I came across a hedgehog doing what can only be described as hedgehog zoomies—running round in circles early in the morning for what seemed like just the fun of it.

Habitat challenges

Hedgehogs have to be among the most disarming creatures in our countryside. I will accept that a snoozing dormouse probably trumps it, but hedgehogs really are engaging creatures. They require just a diet of ground-dwelling invertebrates, especially earthworms, and somewhere warm to nest and hibernate. They really do ask for very little.

However, our modern world creates challenges – bigger fields, fewer hedgerows, busy roads, weedkillers, pesticides and gardens giving way to patios and parking.

No one wants a “gappy bottom” in your hedgerow, but the practice of cutting them year on year with a tractor mounted side-arm flail produces just that. That’s no good for a creature that uses these linear features for transport and both winter and summer nests. In summer, the thornier and ‘nettleier’ the better (yes, I know that’s not a word, but you know what I mean). In winter, the denser the bramble patch the better.

Hedgehog. Image by Simon Bound.

Red list species

We should all now be well aware that we are in a nature crisis. The humble hedgehog is far from exempt from this. Listed as 'vulnerable to extinction' on the red list for mammals, the hedgehog, along with many other species, requires a call to action.

Most hedgehogs today are recorded in urban settings. Conservation projects like Hedgehog Street have advice on making gardens hedgehog-friendly, including:

  • hedgehog highways
  • ramps out of ponds
  • wild corners
  • using chemicals less
  • homes for hedgehogs
Fallen leaves and deadwood are good for hedgehogs. Crown copyright.

Why woodland suits hedgehogs

Natural Shelter: Woodlands provide plenty of natural shelters, such as fallen leaves, logs, and dense undergrowth, where hedgehogs can hide from predators and rest during the day.

Abundant Food Supply: These habitats are rich in insects, snails, worms, and other invertebrates, which are key components of a hedgehog's diet.

Climate Regulation: Woodlands offer a more stable microclimate, protecting hedgehogs from extreme temperatures and harsh weather conditions.

Spacious Habitat: The diverse structure of woodlands, with its layers of canopy, shrub, and ground vegetation, allows hedgehogs to move around easily and find suitable nesting sites.

Woodlands managed for timber can still be good for hedgehogs, especially Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS). These are woodlands where the ‘natural’ woodland was cleared and replaced with a plantation of native or exotic species, and which are now being restored.

What woodland owners and managers can do

  • Aim to improve the structural diversity across your woodland, and especially its edge habitat
  • Create a mosaic of habitats with wide open rides, glades, wood meadows, deer lawns, and scrubby areas of hawthorn, holly, and bramble
  • Retain fallen deadwood as both an opportunity to hibernate under and a food source for the invertebrates within it
  • Hedgehogs are vulnerable to periods of prolonged drought which impact their feeding success. Therefore, re-wetting historically drained woodland may afford some benefit during extended dry periods
  • Follow the example set by Forestry England Central District and aim to move away from the use of chemicals
  • PAWS restoration will likely benefit hedgehogs by generating a richer leaf litter and improved conditions for invertebrates

As a Nature Recovery Advisor, I will be doing all I can to ensure a better future for not only our hedgehogs but all the creatures that we are fortunate enough to share this isle with. I hope you will too.

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