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The UK Forestry Standard: a guide to sustainable forestry and responsible timber harvesting

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Chris Watson is the Forestry Commission's Woodland Resilience Advisor. Here he outlines the principles and wider environmental, economic and social benefits of sustainable forest management and timber harvesting through the UK Forestry Standard.

Trees play a vital role in addressing climate change, supporting biodiversity and sustaining our way of life. Recreation, biodiversity and good quality habitats are often a byproduct of woodlands originally created to provide timber – a vital and renewable resource in our daily lives. 

Sustainable forestry is an approach that ensures forests are managed responsibly to support society’s need for timber and the environment without compromising the needs of future generations.

A mixed forest landscape in the Forest of Dean in autumn. Crown copyright

Why sustainable forestry?

In the face of climate change, our forests need to remain healthy and resilient to continue to produce timber and deliver valuable benefits to nature and society. Sustainable forestry promotes resilience by improving woodland diversity, its ability to adapt and the overall condition of our woods and forests.  

Managing woodland sustainably for timber production, secures a reliable supply of home-grown wood that helps meet our growing demand for timber and relieves pressure on forests worldwide.

What is the UK Forestry Standard?

The UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) sets the benchmark for sustainable forestry and sits alongside forestry policies, regulations and legislation. It sets out clear principles for sustainable forest management and timber harvesting that cover aspects such as biodiversity, soil health, water protection, landscape conservation and climate resilience. 

Compliance with the UKFS is a requirement of government grants and permissions for forestry operations (such as woodland creation, felling and replanting proposals).  

Through sustainable practices, forest managers can balance the production of timber with the protection of biodiversity, landscapes and local communities. 

What does responsible timber harvesting look like?

Harvesting provides the opportunity for the landowner to generate income through the sale of timber; many woodlands were originally planted for this purpose. However, sustainable harvesting is also a key tool in the management of resilient, biodiverse woodlands providing the opportunity to increase the structural and species diversity of a woodland. 

Different silvicultural practices are used to grow and harvest trees depending on site type, species choice and the objectives of the forester. Techniques such as continuous cover forestry, which is gaining popularity, maintains a permanent canopy while allowing for selective harvesting. It can help increase resilience to climate change by providing shade and shelter to the next generation of trees, either planted or germinated from seeds from nearby trees. Selective systems provide a more stable habitat overall, which suits a wide range of woodland species, though not all. 

Other techniques such as managing even age stands of trees on a clearfell system (the removal of all or most trees in an identified area in one operation) can be a productive and cost-effective way of producing good quality logs for sawmills to process. Clearfell benefits bird species including nightjar and woodlark that like open and woodland edge habitats. This management practice is a requirement of some designated ‘special protection areas’ aimed at protecting these species. 

1. Minimising environmental impact

When undertaking any forest operations, such as timber harvesting, environmental impact needs to be carefully considered, and any negative effects minimised. Proposals for felling and thinning will need to be approved by the Forestry Commission and within these proposals there will typically be a requirement for restocking and regenerating your woodland after harvesting.  

The UKFS emphasises practices such as selective harvesting (the selective removal of trees in a forest), using regulated rotation cycles (the length of time between planting and harvesting) and stipulates clearfelling limits. This helps reduce habitat disruption and maintains the integrity of forest ecosystems.  

2. Planning operations carefully

Forest operations must be carefully planned to ensure safe and effective working on site, whilst protecting the forest environment. The UKFS provides comprehensive guidance to help develop operational plans, which cover critical considerations like access and timber stacking.  

For instance, forest tracks and designated stacking areas must be strategically located to minimise environmental disturbances, and felling and extraction routes should limit crossings over streams and drains. Well-planned and maintained extraction routes and stacking areas increase productivity, reduce costs and improve safety for machinery operators and timber hauliers.

Timber harvesting in a UK forest. Crown copyright.

3. Safeguarding vulnerable areas

Safeguarding sensitive site areas, such as fragile soils and habitats, is equally essential. To protect ecosystems, harvesting is carefully timed and low impact techniques are promoted to conserve soil health, reduce compaction and prevent erosion. Forest managers are encouraged to avoid harvesting during the bird nesting season and avoid practices that degrade soils and historic features such as woodbanks; such as the use of heavy machinery when ground conditions are wet. This often means being mindful of when to harvest timber and maintaining buffer zones. 

Biosecurity protocols include cleaning equipment and controlling the movement of materials from contaminated to clean sites, to further protect forests from invasive species, pests and diseases. 

4. Investing in future forests

The UKFS prioritises restocking to ensure sustainability and to maintain forest cover, encouraging harvested trees to be replaced through natural regeneration (where trees seed within the woodland habitat itself) or planting suitable species. Reducing the impacts of mammal damage is an essential element of sustainable forest management, especially where natural regeneration is taking place.   

The UKFS limits single species planting to 65%, steering forestry away from monoculture plantations, which can be more vulnerable to pests and diseases, and support less biodiversity. Instead, it encourages mixed woodlands of compatible species that are better equipped to handle environmental challenges and support nature. 

To improve climate resilience, the use of pest-resistant species and those suited to predicted future climates is essential. 

Mapping tools such as the Ecological Site Classification system developed by Forest Research to help identify suitable species for specific sites, while resources like Forestry England’s video on sustainable harvesting provide practical insights into these practices. These combined efforts ensure the UK’s forests are diverse, resilient and well-prepared to thrive despite future challenges.

The benefits of the UK Forestry Standard

The UKFS serves as a vital resource for forest managers, offering practical advice and standards to ensure sustainable practices are implemented effectively. By following this guidance, forest operations can not only meet legal and environmental requirements but also contribute to the long-term health and resilience of the UK’s forests.

A joiner cutting cladding. Getty Images, sturti, E+.

Sustainable forestry provides wider environmental, economic and social benefits. These include: 

Economic benefits

  • supporting rural economies through the creation of jobs in forestry, tourism and conservation 
  • ensuring forests remain productive and healthy 
  • providing a reliable supply of high-quality timber strengthens the UK timber industry  
  • supporting recreation and ecotourism, increasing the economic value of forests

Environmental benefits

  • fostering biodiversity and environmental stewardship in woodlands, which enhances ecosystems, ensuring forests thrive as habitats for wildlife  
  • promoting healthier forests that capture and store carbon, supporting the fight against climate change  
  • encouraging the adoption of technologies and best practices that minimise waste and promote resource efficiency, as highlighted in the Grascott Farm case study  
  • securing a reliable supply of timber for construction, contributing to decarbonising the construction industry with renewable materials that replace carbon-intensive options like concrete and steel 

Social benefits

  • safeguarding historical sites and cultural features, ensuring timber harvesting respects the UK’s cultural heritage and maintains the integrity of both the landscape and its history 
  • promoting mixed-species planting enhances forest aesthetics, creating diverse and appealing environments for communities 
  • encouraging recreation and access to woodlands, promoting public engagement with forests and fostering opportunities for leisure, education and wellbeing 
  • ensuring forestry practices benefit our woods by blending operations with the natural environment by discouraging large-scale clearcutting in visually sensitive areas and preserving scenic landscapes
A dor beetle perching among conifer needle debris on a forest floor in the Forest of Dean. Crown copyright.

The UK Forestry Standard plays a crucial role in shaping a sustainable future for our forests, balancing timber production with other community (or societal) needs, as well as the needs of wildlife and the wider environment. By following this guidance, landowners and forestry professionals can contribute to the health of our woodlands, support rural economies and help address climate change.  

Sustainable forestry is not only vital for the future of our forests, but also vital for the future generations that depend on them. By investing in responsible forest management today, we ensure a thriving, resilient landscape for tomorrow. 

Learn more about sustainable timber production and harvesting at and get in touch for free expert advice from the Forestry Commission. 

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