5 tips for managing your woodland this winter

MacBradan Bones, Nature Recovery Advisor for the Forestry Commission, shares his tips on managing your woodland this winter.
Forestry Commission Woodland Officer, East and East Midlands
MacBradan Bones, Nature Recovery Advisor for the Forestry Commission, shares his tips on managing your woodland this winter.
MacBradan Bones, Nature Recovery Advisor at the Forestry Commission, shares five tips on managing your woodland this autumn.
Nature Recovery Advisor MacBradan Bones shares his tips on managing your woodland in summer.
The Forestry Commission is responsible for protecting, expanding and promoting the sustainable management of woodlands.
We attend a range of events to meet customers and give advice and guidance on planting and managing woodland.
We also hold face-to-face and online training events on specific grant schemes and areas of forestry.
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