Woodland creation
Find out about the new Woodland Creation Accelerator Fund. For upper-tier local authorities it provides revenue support for new staff needed to accelerate plans for tree and woodland planting.
Matt Holden is the Devon Beaver Project Lead for Devon Wildlife Trust. In this guest blog he introduces the work of Devon Wildlife Trust on beaver reintroduction in Devon.
Michael Rogers is Head of Conservation at Eden Rivers Trust. In this guest blog, Michael looks at how trees can benefit our watercourses, and shares experiences from the Croglin Valley in Cumbria to show the importance of planting the right tree in the right place.
If you're considering applying for the England Woodland Creation Offer here's five key things you should consider doing before making your application.
Find out about the partnership work between the National Trust and Yorkshire Water to tackle flood risk by planting trees.
Find out everything planting trees can do for the planet, our health and the economy in this infographic.
Herbivorous mammals can damage trees in the early years of establishment. This blog looks at the risks associated with that damage and the options available for protection.
Find out more about how planting trees can help to improve water quality and provide natural flood management on your land.
New guidance will help to inform woodland expansion in England that works with breeding wader conservation.
2022 ready to see urban and non-woodland treescapes turn a new leaf, with the re-launch of two major tree planting grants from the Forestry Commission and Defra.