Two years on from our Centenary milestone

Two years on from our centenary our Chair, Sir William Worsley, reflects on what we have achieved since then.
Two years on from our centenary our Chair, Sir William Worsley, reflects on what we have achieved since then.
A year in the life of Bella Murfin and Naomi Matthiessen, job share Directors for the Nature for Climate Fund Tree Programme in Defra.
The All England Woodland Resilience Awards aim to showcase existing and newly created woodlands which are exemplars of resilience and adaptation. Find out more in this guest blog post. from Simon Lloyd, chair of the Forestry Climate Change Working Group.
Sir William Worsley, Chair of the Forestry Commission, reflects on the new England Trees Action Plan.
Find out more about the citizen science project Observatree in this guest blog.
In celebration of the women working in the Forestry Commission Samantha Pollock, Head of Future Woodland Creation Incentives, shares her story.
In celebration of the women working in the Forestry Commission Katie Parker the Plant Health Forestry team’s Contracts and Surveys Manager, shares her story.
In celebration of the women working in the Forestry Commission Sarah Radcliffe, Woodland Officer working in East Northumberland, shares her story of working in the Forestry Commission.
In celebration of International Women's Day Cora Pfarre, Field Manager working across the South East and London team, shares her story of working in the Forestry Commission.
Petrakia liobae is a disease threatening Beech trees in central Europe. Know what to look out for and how to report suspected findings.