Applications have opened for joining our Forestry Apprenticeship this September. Programme Manager Gareth offers advice for anyone considering applying and looks at how the current apprentices are getting on.
Please be aware that applications for joining the Forestry Apprenticeship in September 2023 have now closed.
Back in September we welcomed the first 15 people onto our apprenticeship - the UK’s first degree-level apprenticeship in forestry, which we're leading with the University of Cumbria and the Institute of Chartered Foresters.
Four months on, I think it’s fair to say we are well and truly underway. Friendships have been forged, modules have been completed, and there’s still a genuine buzz of enthusiasm among our apprentices and the Forestry Commission area teams that they’ve joined.
Everyone has put in so much hard work and made some great memories, from getting a glimpse inside the forestry industry at the APF event in Warwickshire, to a rainy but enjoyable week in Ambleside in the Lake District for our silviculture module. They also couldn’t resist getting up into the treetops at Go Ape in Cannock Chase, Staffordshire on a team building session.
One of the big successes is how well the group has gelled, and all our apprentices agree that there’s a great sense of camaraderie and support in the group.

Applications are now open (closing date Sunday 26 February, 2023) for our next 15 apprentices. Might you be one of them? If you have a passion to pursue a career in Forestry and are looking for an exciting pathway into the industry, we’d love to hear from you.
Perhaps you’re interested but keep thinking of all the reasons not to. We’ve addressed some of those reasons here. If you’ve been talking yourself out of applying, keep reading…
I haven’t studied for years. Will I have to take exams?
No. There are no exams. It’s a continual assessment process with assignments submitted throughout the course and an endpoint assessment interview at the end of the three-year course.
Each module has a tutor, offering expertise and support, and the programme has its own trainers, myself among them, who you’ll be in regular contact with and who provide ongoing support throughout the course.
Most of our current apprentices have joined us after a break from formal education. It’s important to remember that only 20% of the course is academic study and 80% is on-the-job training. For most of the time, you’ll be based with one of the Forestry Commission’s area teams for hands-on learning among professionals.

I haven’t got any experience in Forestry
That’s precisely what the course is for. We will help you gain the experience, qualifications and connections that will help you find a job in the industry when the course ends. Our current apprentices joined us from a real mix of professions. We’ve got former teachers, someone from the military, a company director, and IT professionals...what really counts is having a passion for forestry and the commitment to see the three-year course through.
I can’t afford to take time out from working to study.
This is a paid role (£23,098 pa), so you’ll earn as you learn and become qualified. Course fees are covered, as well as essential books, equipment, and student membership to The Institute of Chartered Foresters. Every eight weeks the group gets together for training, so travel, accommodation and meals for these trips are all taken care of.
Will it improve my chances of getting a job in Forestry?
Yes. On completion, you’ll have a Level 6 Apprenticeship in Professional Forestry, BSc (Hons) Professional Forester, and the potential to be an accredited member of The Institute of Chartered Foresters. You’ll also have valuable first-hand experience and contacts. The Forestry sector is fully supportive of the apprenticeship because there’s a real need for skilled foresters to enter the industry. It will open up some great opportunities.
Visit our Apply for a Forestry Apprenticeship page to find out more about the programme, entry requirements, and how to apply. Or, if you’d like to ask a question email
Comment by Samuel yeboah ocquaye posted on
Do you accept foreign students for the forestry apprenticeship program
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thank you for your query. Due to the funding requirements of the Apprenticeship Levy, applicants need to have been resident in the UK/EEA for at least 3 years prior to the start date of the apprenticeship to be eligible to submit an application. If you follow the links through to Civil Service Jobs where the roles are listed, you'll find more information including more about nationality requirements. We hope this helps.
Comment by Simon posted on
Hi, the ad says this is open to someone who hasn't studied in a while bit the requirements ask for 96 ucas points. Could you clarify this? Thank you.
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your interest in our apprenticeship. To clarify, a minimum of 96 UCAS point is desirable. Applications can be made by individuals who do not hold the required UCAS points with applicants demonstrating associated skills at the same or a higher level obtained outside academic study such as work experience. Applications made in this way will require individual evaluations by the University administration team before enrolment onto the programme. We hope this helps.
Comment by Simon posted on
Hello, is there an upper age limit for applying for the apprenticeship? Thanks.
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thank you for taking an interest. There is no upper age limit for the apprenticeship. Our apprentices are expected to commit to completing the three-year course and the overall aim is that they will pursue employment in the Forestry sector once qualified.
Comment by Huseyin Varol posted on
My son has desperately want to do this course. He ll start his A levels next September for 2 years. Is there anything he can do whilst studying his A levels to aid him secure his place on this course? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
It's great to hear your son is interested in our course and a career in Forestry. Gaining experience working in the forestry sector would help with future applications to the apprenticeship, there are great volunteering opportunities with Forestry England, Woodland Trust and local Wildlife Trusts. We wish him all the best!
Comment by jakwan ahmed posted on
Thank you for this
Comment by Rachel Hutchinson posted on
Hello. Will this apprenticeship start in Sept 2023? Thanks
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. Yes, applications are open from now until 26 February and successful applicants will start in September 2023.
Comment by Sten Chesser posted on
Would an applicant need to relocate in order to study?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. Apprentices will be based within one of our five area teams across England. You can see the list here If you select the area team that you are most interested in, it will tell you which office the roles are based out of. Travel and accommodation will be taken care of for the group training sessions that take place away from where the role is based, but not day-to-day living costs or travel to and from the role's base location. We hope this is helpful.
Comment by Robin Kelly posted on
Do you know if this apprenticeship is likely to happen again in 2024?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Yes, we plan to run a 2024 recruitment.
Comment by Jeff Cuss posted on
What is the best way to make sure I hear about the 2024 application window in good time?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your interest. This year we announced the opening of the application window on our Twitter channel and the Forestry Commission blog, and we are likely to share next year's opening in those ways. You could follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our blog or eAlert to make sure you receive updates. The roles are also advertised on Civil Service Jobs so you could set up a job alert to receive notifications. Applications for 2024 are likely to open around the same time as they did this year, so keep a particular look out for any news early next year.
Comment by Jeff Cuss posted on
Excellent, thank you, that is very helpful.
Comment by Niall Conroy posted on
Can you apply for this if you already have a degree? (if someone was looking for a career change)
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your interest in the apprenticeship. Yes, you can apply if you already have a degree as long as your current degree is not in Forestry or a related subject. If you would like further clarification then please email
Comment by Mark Spiers posted on
I am doing a two year Level 3 extended diploma in woodland management at the moment. Is this apprenticeship ongoing and will the opportunity be available in a couple of years time
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. We will be opening this apprenticeship for applications again next year (2024) and possibly in future years, to be confirmed.
Comment by Mark King posted on
I'm currently studying for a Masters in Sustainable Development through the University of Sussex. In applying for this role would this qualification be deemed to high to ne considered for an apprenticeship?
Also in terms of studying for the apprenticeship I live n the Southwest but would I need to be living in or around Bristol?
Thank you
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your interest. No, a Masters degree would not be too high, as long as it is not in Forestry or closely related subjects.
Applicants would need to live within a reasonable travelling distance of the locations advertised. We hope you find this helpful.
Comment by Daniel posted on
Can I do this if I already have a degree in natural sciences?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Hi, thanks for your question. This may depend on the individual modules covered. It would be worth emailing your query to with a little more information so we can advise you more thoroughly. We look forward to hearing from you.
Comment by Unknown posted on
Will the pay increase at all over the 3 years?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for taking an interest in our apprenticeship. Any increase would be in line with Civil Service pay awards.
Comment by Jessica Anne Sleightholme posted on
I'm interested in a career with the Forestry Commission.
The new Degree Apprenticeship programme sounds like a great new entry programme. I just wanted to clarify; for example if your chosen location was York, you would be based here but do block training residential weeks every 8 weeks? Is this correct?
Would volunteering for my local Forestry Commission be a good option for me gain experience and future employment, if I wasn't to apply for the Apprenticeship programme?
Thank you
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Hi. The advertised locations are those of the host teams where applicants will spend most of their on-the-job training, with week-long residentials taking place one week in every eight.
Volunteering locally is a great way to gain experience to enhance course and job applications, and could introduce you to areas of work that you may not have considered before. We hope this helps.
Comment by Eve posted on
Can you make an application to more than one of the 5 locations offered to increase chances of being accepted?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your interest. Yes, you can apply to more than one location. Applicants are asked to limit their applications to their top 3 locations, clearly stating within the additional question section that they have submitted multiple applications and ranking their preference for each application with their 1st , 2nd or 3rd choice. If you are offered a place, you would need to be within reasonable travelling distance of its base location. We hope this is helpful information.
Comment by Megan posted on
From further reading into the application, I see it is essential to have English & Mathematics, GCSE pass at C or 4 and above. My question is do you accept level 2 functional skills?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. Yes, we would accept level 2 functional skills.
Comment by Connor posted on
Could you give us any idea of the competition for this role? How many applications / people through to the assessment centre last year for example?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your interest. We had more than 400 applications last year and invited just over 100 people to assessment centres. There are 15 places available (same as last year). We hope this helps.
Comment by Josh posted on
Hi, I have a lot of transferable skills that I believe would benefit this role. I also have more than enough GCSE's.
My question is without any college or university qualifications would I still be eligible to apply if I was happy to be evaluated by the university team for my suitability?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. Your GCSEs would need to include English and Maths pass at C or 4. If you don't have a minimum of 96 UCAS points you can still apply by demonstrating associated skills at the same or higher level. Yes, applications made in this way need individual evaluation from the University. We hope this helps.
Comment by Dylan Roof posted on
Hi Wendy, could you give any insight into the structure of the assessment centre? I know its not conducted in the typical interview style, so it may ease some nerves to know a little more of what to expect!
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your request. Yes, an assessment centre is an alternative to a traditional 45-minute interview which has multiple assessed elements. The idea of an assessment centre is to give candidates and interviewers more time together in different settings to get the most out of the interview process. The individual tasks at the assessment centres vary from a formal interview to a guided walk as well as a group exercise, a written piece of work, and even a competition, thus providing the opportunity for all candidates to be assessed via a mix of different methods. Assessment centres are not designed to try and trip candidates up it is just a better way of getting to know all the candidates. There is no requirement for preparation in advance of attending the assessment centre.
Comment by Rafal posted on
Hi, is there any chance that you will have some apprenticeship in highlands (Inverness)? Cheers
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks For asking. The ESFA funding is only for apprentices working in England and is based on employer's office location. You could take a look at Scottish Forestry's advice about forestry career opportunities.
Comment by Eve posted on
In the 'behaviours' section of the Success Profiles they provide examples of each behaviour at different career levels ranging from AA/AO to Director/Director General. Which career level will this role be?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. Please look at the Level 1 (AA and AO) section as a minimum.
Comment by Tom posted on
For the application only, is it a 250-word statement for each of the Behaviours below:
- Making Effective Decisions
- Delivering at Pace
The statement says '3. You will also be asked to provide 250-word statements relating to the Behaviours being assessed.'
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. Yes, we are looking for two 250 word statements - one for each of the behaviour questions. Remember to use the STAR format - Situation Task Action and Result.
Comment by Claire Cleaver posted on
I'm a career changer and at age 47, GCSEs were a long time ago and I have an HND and HNC, plus other relevant courses, job experience, life skills and woodland volunteering. My English GCSE is fine, but I only gained a D in Maths. Is it essential to have a C or above in Maths and will an application be immediately rejected if you don't meet the requirement? I understand that there has to be a minimum requirement to be able to complete the academic side of the course, but just wondered how rigid the criteria really is and if other experience outweighs having a lower grade. Thank you
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. It is an entry requirement for the degree level apprenticeship that all applicants must have a level 2 in English and Maths. Functional skills level 2 courses are available and can be completed before the apprenticeship starts.
Comment by Alex Tyner posted on
Hi, I was wondering if you could recommend reading material linked to the course so that I can gain background knowledge for this application and future applications if unsuccessful. Thanks!
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Hi, thanks for your question. Our Programme Manager suggests the UK Forestry Standard and the Defra 25 year Environment Plan We hope this helps.
Comment by Alex Tyner posted on
Hi, is it possible to apply to locations far away from my home address considering I am able and willing to move if offered a placement. Thanks
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Yes, you can apply for any location you wish. If you are offered a place, you would need to be within reasonable travelling distance of its base location.
Comment by Kristy posted on
Hi, if the base location is Bristol would the candidate be based there everyday or would they be assigned different forestry sites within the area for their on the job training? Thank you.
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thank you for your interest. On average, apprentices might expect to work from the office 2 days per week, be out on site 2 days per week and have 1 day for apprentice studies. Obviously that is flexible with some weeks being more desk-based or site-based. There's information from some of our current apprentices about their working days in our most recent blog. We hope this helps.
Comment by Christian posted on
Hello Wendy,
I am excited to see this innovative new forestry apprenticeship and the career pathway it could open for people.
I am currently studying a level 3 extended diploma in conservation and environmental land management, which along with other GCSEs and A-levels will provide the UCAS points desired.
However i am missing maths so intend to complete the functional skills level 2 you have recommended before the apprenticeship starts. As this is a prerequisite for applying, if it is successfully completed before the apprenticeship starts in September, can the 'yes' option for GCSE eligibility be selected when completing the application form? Regards, Christian.
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your question. That's right, you can select 'yes' then explain on your application that you are currently undertaking maths functional skills level 2. Best of luck.
Comment by Rosana Lopez Romero posted on
Hi, will I be possible to apply to different sites? Like for example to London and to North West and West Midlands? Thanks
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Thanks for your interest. Yes, you can apply to more than one location. Applicants are asked to limit their applications to their top 3 locations, clearly stating within the additional question section that they have submitted multiple applications and ranking their preference for each application with their 1st , 2nd or 3rd choice. If you are offered a place, you would need to be within reasonable travelling distance of its base location. We hope this is helpful.
Comment by Rosana posted on
Are there only 15 positions in total wherever the location chosed?
Comment by wendyjohnson posted on
Yes, there are 15 places in total.