Trees – A natural way to help our waterways
...soil on sloping ground trees help to shield the soil by lowering wind speed, preventing it from being ‘blown away’ Fallen leaf litter from trees also creates new organic matter...
...soil on sloping ground trees help to shield the soil by lowering wind speed, preventing it from being ‘blown away’ Fallen leaf litter from trees also creates new organic matter... 5 tips for managing your woodland this Winter. Frosty Morning Survey. Credit: Paul Nunns, Forestry England 1. Check on areas of new planting If you have any areas of...
...was to establish in Great Britain, it has the potential to cause significant economic and environmental damage to our forestry and timber industries. The Science Examining bark panel samples for...
...answer questions, enthuse and motivate people to create new woodland or offer suggestions to help improve their existing woodland. I also make sure our woodlands are fit for the future,...
...squirrel management, which if successful could be used elsewhere within mainland Britain to reduce invasive grey squirrel populations, protect and restore native woodland, and work towards the return of native...
...ago, we introduced new measures in response to the huge increase in importation of firewood from European countries. These new measures required any importer to give us notice of bringing... flourish, and to prevent economic damage to agricultural crops and trees managed for timber production. As such, the Forestry Commission and Defra are now seeking views on a new...
...months after planting are a critical time for young trees as they adapt to new site conditions, develop their roots and get established. During this period, water availability is a...
...native woodland and ancient and veteran trees which will be delivered through other current and future policy. Credit: Woodland Trust What’s new? Defra have refreshed the whole policy to reflect...
...and responding to illegal felling reports and operations and much more. This is something completely new to me and has really got different parts of my brain working. I feel...