Woodland management
We asked the Secretary of State for Defra to withdraw the 1984 Ministerial Direction on consultation of forestry applications and associated Ministerial Statements. Here we explain what that means.
Woodland Resilience Adviser Chris explores the different threats facing our woodlands, and how woodland management can help mitigate these threats and increase the future health and resilience of our woodlands.
At the end of June, government announced new funding for local authorities developing Local Nature Recovery Strategies. Here we look at how we are supporting them and what they mean for trees and woodlands.
Gareth is one of 15 people who joined us in September 2022 as a Development Woodland Officer studying the Forestry Apprenticeship. Here he reflects on his first nine months with the Forestry Commission.
Jon Burgess, a Local Partnership Advisor and Woodland Resilience Officer in the South West, provides a quick round up of the 'Trees on Farms' mini-series created with Ben Eagle, and reflects on being a co-host on the Forestry Commission’s first foray into podcasting.
Jemima Cooper, Head of Policy & Partnerships at the Institute of Chartered Foresters, talks to us about the women in the tree sector, working tirelessly to plan, grow, plant, establish, manage, harvest, process, and research the timber our society needs.
Discover how woodlands can benefit your land and business while supporting the economy, society, and the wider environment.
Explore how trees can help you diversify your business and save you money.
During National Apprenticeship Week (6 to 12 February), we held a live #AskAnApprentice Twitter Q&A to give you the opportunity to ask our panel of experts about our Forestry Apprenticeship.
Peter Knox is a Business Development Advisor with the Forestry Commission. A key aim of his work is helping farmers become more resilient through incorporating trees into their farm businesses. Based in the Penrith Office, Peter oversees an exciting area for …